I did an amazing little workshop with textile artist Chrisi Z (who I found on Airbnb experiences) who had some of her work displayed at the Lima Museum of Contemporary Art while I was there.
The Quipu (or Khipu) was a method used for accounting and record keeping by the Incas – each knot represents a number, and the amount of coils in each knot shows what the number is. Each string is colored to represent the subject in question.
We dyed the Cotton strings with natural clay dyes
The colors represent as follows:
Red – Life / Blood / Sacrifice / Offering
Yellow – Male / Sun / Gold / Daylight
Grey or White – Female / Moon / Silver / Night
Blue – Spirituality / Shaman / Healing
Brown – Earth / Beginnings / Nourishment
(from left)
Red: My Birthday,
Yellow: Dad’s Birthday
Grey: Mum’s Birthday
Grey: Sister’s Birthday
Brown: The date I arrived in Peru
Blue: My age now relating to my continued healing
And then a free string for the future, in each color (as I hope my future will be a balance of all the colors and elements of life)
Some pics from the Amano Museum in Lima.
H x
Comments (1)
Christi Zorrilla on October 08, 2020
I love your post!!! Thanks for share your experience :)
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